Thursday, August 30, 2012

Compassion Moves Us

Why does it seem that everybody is willing to pray but few are willing to act?

I recently heard a pastor ask what would have happened if Jesus had been hindered by our modern thinking. More than likely his disciples would have gathered for a committee meeting to examine the problems and talk about the sins that brought the people to such a place and say, “Oh how tragic!”

But according to Matthew 9, when Jesus saw the people, He was moved with compassion. He saw them scattered and weary like sheep with no shepherd and He was stirred to action. The compassion was not just about pity or sympathy. It was also filled with the desire to help change things. If we have true compassion, it will drive us to do something!

Matthew 25:42-46 says, For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

We do not have to travel far to show compassion on God’s people. God says that if we will give our bread to the hungry, bring the poor into our house, and give of our own soul to the starving and suffering, He will lead us and provide for us continually. “We will be like a well-watered garden a spring whose waters never fail” (Isaiah 58:10-11).                                            

As followers of Christ, we should be apart of His compassionate heart to the world. The needs are at your doorstep, so present yourself to the Lord, and He will open doors for you!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Overcome Your Fear of Faith

Today’s post comes from Gary Wilkerson, son of the late David Wilkerson. I wanted to post this one because of what he says about missing out on certain things because we are afraid to risk the faith. Remember that God’s great power is superior to ours! We can trust that He will always make a way!

“People experience a broad spectrum of fears. Psychologists say that almost everyone has a fear of death; others fear being alone, while many are afraid of being in crowds. Public speaking is another common source of fear.

Some of us miss out on the greatest gifts in life because of fear. God wants to birth certain things in your heart and you miss out on them because you are afraid to risk the faith necessary to get involved in what God has.

A number of years ago my wife and I were living in New York City and working with Times Square Church. The Lord clearly spoke to our hearts about planting a church in London, England. It was a big risk and rather scary. We did not have many resources and knew very few people in England, but we were committed to trusting God.

A place to live in London had been made available to us but just a few weeks before we were due to leave, the plans for that home fell apart. What were we going to do?

We were scheduled to spend two weeks in South Africa leading a group on a short-term missions trip before going on to England to live. While there my wife and I stayed in the home of a South African businessman. One morning the man asked me, “Are you okay?” I responded, “I’m kind of worried about something.” Then I told him about our plan to move to London and shared that we did not have a place to live.

“I love London and, as a matter of fact, I own a house there,” the businessman shared. Then a few days later he said to me, “Here are the keys to my house. It’s yours to use whenever you need it.”

I was concerned that we were going to have to cancel our plans but God was there! A couple from New York had to go to South Africa to find a home in London. Only God can orchestrate something like that!

I believe God sets us up to do things that seem difficult at the time but wind up being a God-story. After something like that happens, you walk around with confidence and boldness in your heart, knowing that God will provide.”

Friday, August 24, 2012

His Mighty Power

Yesterday, I shared two stories with you - one that many of us can relate to; the other from a world we no little about. The more I have learned about those sacrificing everything day in and day out in the name of Jesus, the more I understand that it is because they completely trust in the power of His Name. So, my question for you is whether or not you trust in His power?

The problem that we face in our culture is that we are told to trust in our own power. We can accomplish whatever we set out to do! Hard work, high aspirations, and the freedom to go after our goals is what the American dream is all about! There is nothing wrong with the American dream, but it is the notion that we accomplish all of these things on our own ability that is the issue. This is completely different from how Jesus calls us to live. God’s Word says we must die to ourselves, believe in the Lord our God, and trust in His mighty power.

God alone is worthy of our trust. If you question His worthiness of your confidence and trust, then you are simply not putting your "trust under the shadow of His wings" (Psalm 36:7). The follower of Christ does not ask why he should trust God; instead, he asks, "How can I trust God more fully?”

When we realize that God has all power to do anything He wants and that He always uses it for our good, then we can have absolute confidence that we are in good hands. Apart from Him, we cannot accomplish anything of value. He tells us that He is the vine and we are the branches. If we remain in Him and He in us, we will bear much fruit; apart from Him we can do nothing (John 15:5).
I want to end with a piece from David Platt’s book, “Radical”, after he just finished talking about the church in Acts. Here he describes how he longs for that kind of church today – “A scene where we refuse to operate in a mind-set dominated by an American dream that depends on what we can achieve with our own abilities. A scene where we no longer settle for what we can do in our own power. A scene where the church radically trusts in God’s great power to provide unlikely people with unlimited, unforeseen, uninhibited resources to make his name known as great. I want to be a part of that dream.”
His power is so superior to ours! Why do we not desperately seek it?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sunday Morning...

The rain patted softly against the window as the morning light started to make its way through the curtains. Tucked away under the covers, she laid there thinking about the chores that she had yet to do that weekend. The children were still sleeping after staying up late the night before to watch their favorite Disney movie, and her husband still snored softly next to her. She knew that the time had passed to make it to church on time, but she thought to herself that they would try again the following Sunday. Hopefully, she could find time today for her and the family to sit down together to spend time in God’s Word.

The sun had not yet risen as she snuck out of her home that morning. The temperature was just below freezing and the garments that clung to her body barely kept her warm. She pulled the wrap over her head in hopes that anyone walking about would not notice her. News had spread quickly that the week before a man, a husband and father, was arrested and tortured for holding a secret meeting in his home. She walked the two mile journey until she came to a few run down buildings at the edge of town. She looked around to make sure no one was watching her and quickly made her way to the back door. An older man greeted her kindly as she made her way into the small, barely lit room. Twenty others had already gathered on the dusty floor and were waiting quietly for the man to start speaking. The man, a missionary, had already been with them for two weeks. He had made his way through the Old Testament, and with much pleading from the people, he stayed another week to teach them the New Testament. Ten hours of every day they had listened intently soaking up the Word of God. The more they learned the hungrier they were for Him.

While no names have been added, both are based on true stories. My name should have been added to the first one. 2 Corinthians 4:4, “We can’t even see Christ because of the depth of our spiritual blindness.” Where do you fit in the story? We have the freedom to seek God’s Word, but do we have the same desire as those who do not have that freedom?

I pray that God will awaken in our hearts a deep and unshakeable passion for the gospel and the revelation of God’s Word!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Statistics Are Staggering

You may have to forgive me if I take a lot of what pastors such as Francis Chan and David Platt have to say about what it means to live a Biblical life. It’s only because I believe they speak the truth about God’s Word. They do not sugar coat what Jesus was trying to tell us in the gospels even if it means having people walk away.

So, I mentioned yesterday about getting uncomfortable. Let me give you some statistics that might help you with that. Only about 18% of Americans attend any church regularly – 82% don’t. We all know that going to church does not make you a Christian but bear with me as I show you the decline of Christianity in America. Thousands of Evangelicals walk away from their churches every day and most don’t come back. Skepticism is growing and apathy about spiritual matters seems to be at an all-time high. The fastest growing faith groups in the country are atheists and nonbelievers. According to a survey of young adults conducted by Lifeway Christian Resources, 65% rarely or never pray with others; 38% almost never pray by themselves either; 65% rarely or never attend worship services of any kind; and 67% don't read the Bible or any other religious texts on a regular basis.

It does not take an expert to see the many reasons that lie beneath these statistics. We live in a country that is consumed by materialism and consumerism. Our churches are spending more money living out the American church dream by building fancy churches to put productions on each week instead of on the poor who are without the gospel, food, shelter, and clothing. Our society has painted an unfortunate picture on how life should be, and with those of us who have children, we are in an uphill battle to teach them differently.

In my upcoming posts, I want to give you a glimpse into another world where people are so hungry for God and His Word that they will risk everything, even their lives, just to know more about Him. As I heard these stories, my heart was broken because I know that I have become way too comfortable with life and my walk with Christ. We will also study Jesus’ teachings on what it means to be a follower of Him.

I challenge you today to start reading through the Gospels and really focusing on the Words of Jesus. Remember, His Words are the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). It’s time to start living the life that He calls us to live.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Let's Go Deeper

Hi Everyone! Summer is quickly winding down, but what an awesome summer it has been! For some of you, it is time to get back into the school routine, which I have to say my kids are not to thrilled about. I was just complaining tonight about the torture of having to get them back onto a school sleep schedule.

While summer has kept me busy and unfortunately away from blogging, it has not kept me away from reading God's Word, as well as some challenging books. While I love the idea of the Giggles blog, I have found myself wanting to go even deeper. As the new blog states, I am gripped by God! I am gripped by His awesomeness, greatness, sovereignty and so much more. I have recently started reading "Radical" by David Platt...insanely convicting! After the first chapter, I was very emotional and felt so insignificant. I want to know so much more about Him!

This blog is not just for women, but for anyone wanting more of Christ. As David Platt mentions in his book, we have become too comfortable as Christians. We talk about the love of the Father, but we are missing other parts of the Father as well...yes, even His wrath. As Americans, we have taken God's Word to fit to our's time to get Biblical!

So, let's get uncomfortable together...