Monday, October 10, 2011

Why Women's Ministry??

Hello Ladies! 

Here is my first official post as a blogger (my spell check tried to change it to booger :) )!  Anyway, I have never considered myself much of a writer, and maybe you will discover that along the way.  However, God has spoken loud and clear to me over the last few years, so it’s about time I start paying attention!  Writing happens to be one of the things He has put on my heart.  Another big thing is you! 

A few years ago, I read a statement from the book Gripped by the Greatness of God written by James MacDonald that said, "You will never experience the fullness of joy that you were created to know until Jesus Christ has first place in every area of your life.”  That statement meant more to me than you could imagine.  Prior to that, I had looked in the wrong place for happiness, and it almost cost me everything.  I went on the path of destruction that led to depression, loneliness, and heartache.  But by God's never ending grace, my life was restored.

It is my desire to shake you uncontrollably until you get that fact!  If only it was that simple!  What I can do is share personal stories as well as God’s Word on what it means to have a relationship with Christ.  I recently heard Joyce Meyers say that we are only as close to God as we chose to be.  I don’t know about you, but I want to be as close to Him as I can possibly be!

I pray that God will bless this Blog and that a community of women will unite together as we seek to know Him more.  Please feel free to post comments at any time!!  As women we are encouraged to accept our responsibility as women of God who will offer ourselves as living sacrifices, acceptable and pleasing to God; be devoted to one another in love, honoring one another above ourselves; be patient in affliction and faithful in prayer; and share with God’s people who are in need.

Make sure to check out events posted to the right of upcoming PBF: Prayer, Bible Studies, & Fellowship!

I hope you have an amazing week!! 

1 John 3:1 (NIV) - How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.

1 comment:

  1. I really look forward to reading your blog, in fact I'm going to purchase Macdonald's book this week. I've been on a Charles Swindoll kick, so I look forward to reading a new perspective. I grew up with such a different ideal of what a relationship with God was. I know realize the joy in having a friendship and feel like a barrier or two has been lifted. Thank you for including me
