Why does it seem that everybody is willing to pray but few are willing to act?
I recently heard a pastor ask what would have happened if Jesus had been hindered by our modern thinking. More than likely his disciples would have gathered for a committee meeting to examine the problems and talk about the sins that brought the people to such a place and say, “Oh how tragic!”
But according to Matthew 9, when Jesus saw the people, He was moved with compassion. He saw them scattered and weary like sheep with no shepherd and He was stirred to action. The compassion was not just about pity or sympathy. It was also filled with the desire to help change things. If we have true compassion, it will drive us to do something!
We do not have to travel far to show compassion on God’s people. God says that if we will give our bread to the hungry, bring the poor into our house, and give of our own soul to the starving and suffering, He will lead us and provide for us continually. “We will be like a well-watered garden — a spring whose waters never fail” (Isaiah 58:10-11).
As followers of Christ, we should be apart of His compassionate heart to the world. The needs are at your doorstep, so present yourself to the Lord, and He will open doors for you!